To install the agent, we followed the installation guide provided by Axway on their documentation page. After installing the prerequisites, the agents can be deployed using following command:
axway central install agents
This initiates the installation procedure, which is pretty straightforward but requires some extra attention. In general, the installation guide can be followed for most steps and the default options of the prompts are fine. However, below we’ll list some of the more important choices that need to be made during the procedure.
This initiates the installation procedure, which is pretty straightforward but requires some extra attention. In general, the installation guide can be followed for most steps and the default options of the prompts are fine. However, below we’ll list some of the more important choices that need to be made during the procedure.
• Choose the correct Environment for the agents on Amplify, or create a new one if you didn’t create one yet.
• Create a new service account (DOSA) when prompted: this will create a new service account and generate a public and private key for this account.
• Use existing Istio installation: choose yes as we already set up the Istio service mesh before.
• Select the namespace of your application for the ALS Envoy Filters and the discovery of the Virtual Service resources (in our case “microshop”).
• Deploy the agents in a new namespace called ‘amplify-agents’.
After completing all steps, the procedure is complete. The Axway CLI will now create the public and private keys and the service account, but also the agent resources, the environment, and finally the agent itself and its Istio namespace. When inspecting the Amplify platform, we can confirm that the environment and the agents have been created and that they are running. However, no services will be discovered just yet. For this to happen, we need to execute some final steps.
We can see that a “istio-override.yaml” and “hybrid-override.yaml” file also have been created on our machine. Using the istio-override file and istioctl, we’ll install Istio in the demo profile with following command:
istioctl install –set profile=demo -f istio-override.yaml
After the Istio installation is complete, we can execute the final commands to finish the installation for the agents. Before doing so, however, we need to make a small adjustement to the hybrid-override file, as the axway central url in the generated file might be set incorrectly. In our case, this url should be “” instead of ““.